To Dream of a Statue

 To Dream of a Statue

Jerry Rowe

Negatively, dreaming of a statue may reflect narcissism about your physical appearance. Feelings like an event in someone else's life being immortalized for others to observe. Feelings of emptiness, that you are being watched with an unusual problem that cannot be improved. Lying to others about your life is a great example of how this works.

The meaning of dreaming of a statue can represent deafness, negative behaviors and connections to anything in this world, making an idol of oneself, as well as someone's love or a connection to some position in life regarding work, love relationships, home, children, among others.

To dream of statue, meanings and navigation:

  1. To dream that you see a statue
  2. To dream that you are a statue
  3. To dream that a statue comes to life
  4. To dream that you are making a statue
  5. To dream of a giant statue
  6. See_also: To Dream with Soap

  7. To dream of a statue of a person you know
  8. To Dream of a Weeping Statue
  9. To Dream of a Broken Statue
  10. See_also: To Dream with Brown Snakes

  11. To Dream of a Statue of a Saint
  12. To dream of many statues
  13. Other meanings

  14. To dream that you see a statue

    To dream that you see a statue may symbolize an emptiness within yourself, that you may be lying about your life to others. Seeing statues can also mean falsehood, fiction, and illusion.

    To dream that you are a statue

    People who have trouble sleeping or live in a coma often dream that they are living statues. This can reflect on the self-consciousness of being paralyzed while being watched.

    To dream that a statue comes to life

    If you dreamed of seeing a statue come to life, this indicates that you are making amends on a "broken" friendship or a kind of abrupt realization of an abandoned hope. So this means that you may be wanting to make peace with someone or to get back that hope about something that you had even forgotten about.

    To dream that you are making a statue

    If you dream you are making a statue you can expect that you will receive several marriage proposals, if you are already married you will receive good news.

    To dream of a giant statue

    If you dream of a larger statue than exists in real life, it may mean a recent scare you have had or will have. You can already protect yourself in advance, knowing that a big scare will happen to you.

    To dream of a statue of a person you know

    If you dreamed that you saw a friend of yours, that is, a known person, in the form of a statue, it means that you are seeing beyond the present and that you will recognize ideals of justice and knowledge through any chance you get when you go looking for something. If the statue is of a particular woman, or is interpreted to represent a specific woman then she will be a silent woman,intelligent and serene, or it may represent that she is stupid and proud.

    To Dream of a Weeping Statue

    To dream of a crying statue in your dream represents some kind of miracle. It means that you have succeeded in doing something that was almost impossible. Alternatively, the crying statue may symbolize passion and devotion.

    To Dream of a Broken Statue

    If you dreamed of a broken or damaged statue, it may mean that you will defeat your enemy and gain a position and a certain fame. The broken part of the statue will manifest itself in something that will cease to exist in the society in which you live.

    To Dream of a Statue of a Saint

    To dream of a statue of something you worship, such as a saint, can mean lying to God, or that someone worships something you also worship, it can be a saint that really exists as well as it can be an imaginary saint.

    To dream of many statues

    If you end up seeing several statues together then you end up failing at something on your own. If these statues together are gods together it means great but short success.

    Other meanings

    If you dream of statues, you may also be receiving great signs and good omens. The statue may have come to give you much hope that you will achieve your goals easily and quickly. A very characteristic synonym for those who dream of statues has to do with family. Dreaming of statues may also mean good family time, where everyone will enjoythe company of each other for a longer period of time, without worrying about work or responsibilities in the professional and academic fields.

    The statue can also represent a time of great joy for you. If you are going through a period of great difficulty, where you feel down and sad, the statue has come to signify joy and mean that something very good will happen to you that will cause you to change your mind about something, thus becoming more optimistic about everything in life. We will always havebad days, but dreams about statues can give us that hope that our days can become great so that we can enjoy much more of what life offers us.

    See Also:

    bronze , sculpture , Meaning of Dreams

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    Jerry Rowe

    Jerry Rowe is a passionate blogger and writer with a keen interest in dreams and their interpretation. He has been studying the phenomenon of dreams for many years, and his blog is a reflection of his deep knowledge and understanding of the subject. As a certified dream analyst, Jerry is dedicated to helping people interpret their dreams and unlock the hidden wisdom within them. He believes that dreams are a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth, and his blog is a testament to that philosophy. When he is not blogging or analyzing dreams, Jerry enjoys reading, hiking, and spending time with his family.